Content provided by the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
93.943 Epidemiologic Research Studies of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection in Selected Population Groups FEDERAL AGENCY: CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AUTHORIZATION: Public Health Service Act, Section 301, 42 U.S.C. 241, Section 311, 42 U.S.C. 243, as amended.
To support research of important HIV-related epidemiologic issues concerning risks of transmission, the natural history and transmission of the disease in certain populations and development and evaluation of behavioral recommendations for reducing AIDS and HIV infection. Of special interest are programs that examine these research issues as they affect minority populations (defined as one of the four federally-recognized groups: African-Americans; Asian/Pacific Islanders; Latinos/Hispanics; and Native Americans). TYPES OF ASSISTANCE:
USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Assistance is provided to support cooperative agreements that examine important epidemiologic research issues concerning AIDS and HIV infection. The research should contribute to the health services knowledge base from which empirically based information can be derived by policy makers, both immediately and over the coming decades. Grants include funds for direct costs (such as personnel, travel, equipment, or supplies) necessary to carry out an approved project as well as funds for the reimbursement of applicable indirect costs. Unallowable costs, as well as those for which prior written approval is required, are indicated in the PHS Grants Policy Statement. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: Eligible applicants include States, political subdivisions of States or their agents or instrumentalities, private research organizations, other public and private nonprofit organizations, and for-profit organizations.
Pre-application Coordination: Not applicable. This program is excluded from coverage under E.O. 12372. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: There are no statutory formula or matching requirements. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: Financial status and progress reports are required annually. Upon completion of the project, final financial status and performance reports are required. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 75-0943-0-1-550.
In fiscal year 2001, 32 cooperative agreements were made in support of extramural research. In fiscal years 2002 and 2003, approximately the same is anticipated. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: Regulations governing this program are published in the application kit. PHS Grants Policy Statement No. 94-50,000 (Revised) April l, 1994. INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: Not applicable. EXAMPLES OF FUNDED PROJECTS:
CRITERIA FOR SELECTING PROPOSALS: Applications will be reviewed and evaluated based on the evidence submitted which specifically describes the applicant's abilities to meet the following criteria: 1) The plans to develop and implement the study describing how study participants will be identified, enrolled, tested and followed; 2) the ability to enroll and follow an adequate number of eligible study participants to assure proper conduct of the study. This includes both demonstration of the availability of HIV-infected potential study participants and the experience of the investigator in enrolling and following such persons; 3) the applicant's current activities in AIDS and HIV research and how they will be applied to achieving the objectives of the study; letters of support from cooperating organizations that demonstrate that nature and extent of such cooperation should be included; 4) the applicant's understanding of the research study objectives and, their ability, willingness and/or need to collaborate with CDC and researchers from other study sites in study design and analysis, including use of common forms, and sharing of specimens and data; 5) the plan to protect the rights and confidentiality of all participants and ensure adequate participation; 6) the size, qualifications and time allocation of the proposed staff and the availability of facilities to be used during the research study; 7) how the project will be administered to assure the proper management of the daily activities of the program; 8) the proposed schedule for accomplishing the activities of the research; including time frames; and 9) the quality of an evaluation plan which specifies methods and instruments to be used to evaluate the progress made in attaining research objectives.
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