The Corporation for National and Community
Service (CNCS) provides grants to qualified organizations to engage persons from all walks
of life and all age groups to perform meaningful and constructive service as volunteers
to meet critical community needs.
Click on any title below to read more about the program.
94.002 Retired and Senior Volunteer Program � Objective: The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) provides grants to qualified agencies and organizations for the dual purpose of engaging persons 55 and older in volunteer service to meet critical community needs; and to provide a high quality experience that will enrich the lives of volunteers.
94.003 State Commissions � Objective: To develop a State plan; to assist States in the application process; and to provide oversight of funded AmeriCorps programs within each State. The funds enable States to form a 15 to 25 member, independent, bipartisan commission appointed by a governor to implement service programs in their State.
94.006 AmeriCorps � Objective: AmeriCorps is the cornerstone of the Corporation's national service programs. AmeriCorps addresses pressing education, public safety, human, and environmental needs of our Nation's communities by encouraging Americans to serve either part or full-time. AmeriCorps programs have four goals: 1) Getting things done by providing services with direct and demonstrable results; 2) strengthen communities and uniting individuals of different backgrounds in a common effort to improve their communities); 3) encourage responsibility through service and civic education (AmeriCorps enables members to see themselves as leaders and problem solvers and fulfill their responsibilities to their communities); and 4) expand opportunities in return for devoting a year of their lives to national service. AmeriCorps members may receive education awards for qualified postsecondary education expenses or to pay off qualified student loans.
94.011 Foster Grandparent Program � Objective: The Foster Grandparent Program provides grants to qualified agencies and organizations for the dual purpose of engaging persons 60 older, particularly those with limited incomes, in volunteer service to meet critical community needs; and to provide a high quality volunteer experience that will enrich the lives of the volunteers. Program funds are used to support Foster Grandparents in providing supportive, person to person service to children with exceptional or special needs.
94.013 Volunteers in Service to America � Objective: To supplement efforts of private, nonprofit organizations and Federal, State, and local government agencies to eliminate poverty and poverty-related problems by enabling persons from all walks of life and all age groups to perform meaningful and constructive service as volunteers.
94.016 Senior Companion Program � Objective: The Senior Companion Program provides grants to qualified agencies and organizations for the dual purpose of engaging persons 60 and older, particularly those with limited incomes, in volunteer service to meet critical community needs; and to provide a high quality experience that will enrich the lives of the volunteers. Program funds are used to support Senior Companions in providing supportive, individualized services to help adults with special needs maintain their dignity and independence.