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Content provided by the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
93.184 Disabilities Prevention




Public Health Service Act, Section 301(a) and Section 317, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 241(a); 42 U.S.C. 247(b).
OBJECTIVES: Click here for help!
To 1) Provide a national focus for the prevention of secondary conditions in persons within selected disability domains including mobility, personal care, communication, and learning; 2) build State capacity to coordinate program activities and assess the magnitude of disability in States; 3) employ epidemiological methods to set priorities and direct health promotion interventions for persons with disabilities; 4) conduct research projects to understand secondary conditions and measure the impact of the environment on the lives of persons with disabilities, and conduct studies on the effectiveness of interventions in targeted groups of persons with disabilities; 5) fund and support a national limb loss information center and a limb loss epidemiology research facility; 6) fund and support a national information center on physical activity for persons with disabilities; and 7) fund and support a national paralysis and quality of life/health promotion information and resource center.


Project Grants.
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CDC issued competitive awards in fiscal year 2002 for 16 State disability and health cooperative agreements and will issue continuation awards to 12 research project grants and three information/resource centers to address the prevention of secondary conditions and health promotion for persons with disabilities. State capacity cooperative agreements: These awards are providing financial assistance to: 1) Establish and/or sustain State offices of disability and health to promote the visibility of preventing secondary conditions as a State public health priority, and serve as a technical assistance resource and statewide focus for the prevention of secondary conditions; 2) support an advisory function to coordinate and provide policy and program direction guidance in the State; 3) develop and/or implement a State strategic plan or policy instrument for health promotion for persons with disabilities; 4) establish and implement university partnerships to support and complement State project activities; 5) maintain and refine prescribed public health surveillance or survey activities for disability domains of mobility, personal care, communications, and learning in order to implement prevention efforts and program evaluation activities; 6) provide technical assistance to communities; and 7) promote education and health promotion programs for persons with disabilities, conduct training of health professionals, and facilitate access to services for persons with disabilities. Research project grants: Financial assistance under this program is being used to: 1) Implement and evaluate programs to identify and quantify preventable secondary conditions within disability domains which include physical, medical, cognitive, emotional, and/or psychosocial conditions and their prevention; 2) determine the risk and protective factors in specified populations of persons who have a disability; 3) measure the effectiveness and costs of preventive interventions; and 4) develop measurements of the environment that can facilitate or hinder access to participation for persons with a disability. National Limb Loss Information Center Cooperative Agreements: Financial assistance has been awarded to operate a national clearinghouse to provide educational material and self-help guidance to persons with limb loss and their families, and develop a peer visitation training initiative for the conduct of education and training sessions in hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, and support groups. The National Center on Physical Activity and Disability provides multiple sources of information and references on a vast array of inquiries on exercise, fitness and health promotion activities. In these cases, project funds may not be used to supplant State, local, or institutional funds available for these activities, or for construction costs, or to purchase facilities or space. Grantees may enter into contracts as necessary to help achieve the objectives of their respective programs. In late FY 2001, CDC provided funds to establish and operate a national resource center for persons with paralysis which will receive continuation funding in FY 2002.


Applicant Eligibility:   Based on available funding for fiscal year 2002, CDC issued a competitive program announcement for new State projects resulting in 16 awards. All other projects listed in this notice will be eligible for non-competing continuation awards in fiscal year 2002. These include the 12 noted research grants and the three national information centers on limb loss, physical activity, and paralysis. Eligibility for this program in the future when new competitive announcements are announced in future fiscal years will continue to include State health departments or other official organizational authority (agency or instrumentality) of States, including the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any territory or possession of the United States. Research Grants: Eligible applicants for competing applications was in fiscal year 2000 through the issuance of a competitive program announcement which include public and private nonprofit entities, including universities, university-affiliated systems including not-for-profit medical centers, research institutions and rehabilitation hospitals, disability service groups such as advocacy and voluntary organizations and independent living centers, and federally recognized Indian Tribal Governments. For the limb loss information and the limb loss epidemiology projects, the physical activity, and the paralysis resource center projects; new applications will not be solicited for these programs as they are still within their respective project periods. No new competitive applications are expected to be solicited from States, research institutions and information centers during the balance of FY 2002.

Beneficiary Eligibility:   In addition to the eligible applicants, other groups who will receive benefits from the program include persons with disabilities and family members of persons with disabilities, persons with limb loss, minority populations, refugees, infants, children, youth, adults, senior citizens, women, all educational levels, all income levels, urban, suburban, and rural populations, health/rehabilitation professionals, scientists, educators, and researchers.

Credentials/Documentation:   State disability and health applicants documented in their fiscal year 2002 competitive applications the need for assistance, indicated the objectives of their projects, presented their approaches to meet set objectives, and outlined the method of operation. Current research project grants and information centers will request continuation funding to meet original protocols and research objectives. Costs will be determined in accordance with OMB Circular No. A-87 for State and local governments and federally-recognized Indian Tribal Governments. For nonprofit recipients, costs will be determined in accordance with HHS Regulation 45 CFR 74.

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Pre-application Coordination:   As new competitive funding becomes available for this program, preapplication coordination will not be required. However applicants will be encouraged to submit a non-binding letter of intent 30 days before the deadline date. State capacity projects are subject to E.O. 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs." Applicants should consult the office or officials designated as the single point of contact in their State for more information on the process the State requires in applying for financial assistance, if the State has selected the program for review. Research grant projects applicants in future years will not be subject to E.O. 12372.

Application Procedure:   When this program is re-announced for competition in the fiscal year 2002, application forms for State capacity projects will be available from, and be submitted to the Procurement and Grants Office, Grants Management Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2920 Brandywine Road, Room 3000, Atlanta, GA 30341. The standard application forms as furnished by the CDC and required by 45 CFR 92, must be used for this program. This program is subject to the provisions set forth in 45 CFR 92, for State and local governments and OMB Circular No. A-110 for nonprofit organizations.

Award Procedure:   State disability and health cooperative agreement competitive awards and Research project grant competitive awards are determined by an internal objective committee review process at CDC. At such times, awards will be based on evaluation criteria set forth in the respective Program Announcements, the availability of funds, and such other significant factors as deemed necessary and appropriate by CDC. Future awards in subsequent fiscal years for State disability and health projects will be issued for expected project periods of 3-5 years. Future awards for Research project grants and information/resource centers are not are expected to be issued until fiscal year 2003 given the funding cycles for those projects. The Notices of Grant Award (PHS Form 5152-1) will indicate financial support for the first budget year, allocations of Federal funds by budget category, and special conditions, if any.

Deadlines:   Contact the Headquarters Office for application deadline information.

Range of Approval/Disapproval Time:   Between 65 to 95 days from the deadline date for submission of applications.

Appeals:   None.

Renewals:   All State disability and health projects were subject to competitive renewal and new awards were made in March 2002 for new project periods to begin on April 1. No new competition for State awards is expected for the next three fiscal years. However, should additional funds become available in the interim, such awards would be publicized through an issued Program Announcement. Competition for new or additional State projects will be based on future appropriations. The current research project grants will conclude their respective project periods during the period in September 2003, and no new Research grants are expected to be announced until fiscal year 2003. The National Limb Loss Information Center, the National Center on Physical Activity and Disability, the National Paralysis Resource Center, and the Limb Loss Epidemiology Research project are expected to be receive noncompeting continuation funding in fiscal year 2002 within their respective project periods.


Formula and Matching Requirements:   These programs have no statutory matching requirements, however applicants are encouraged to assume and document part of project costs.

Length and Time Phasing of Assistance:   State disability and health projects are receiving financial assistance in fiscal year 2002 for 3-5 year project periods depending on their level of award. The competitive research grants funded in fiscal year 2000 will have three year project periods through September 2003. Other future solicitations (when announced) will indicate the length of the project periods and program requirements for each of these programs.


Reports:   Semi-annual progress reports are required. Financial status reports are required no later than 90 days after the end of each specified budget period. Final financial status reports and a final program report is required 90 days after the end of the project. Continuation applications for subsequent budget year financial assistance within these project periods will be submitted by these projects. Non-competing continuation applications will include a progress/performance narrative which outline program accomplishments and operations for that earlier budget period, an upcoming budget year work plan with a detailed narrative and budget justifying the new financial request.

Audits:   In accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular No. A- 133 (Revised, June 24, 1997), "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Nonprofit Organizations," nonfederal entities that expend financial assistance of $300,000 or more in Federal awards will have a single or a program-specific audit conducted for that year. Non-federal entities that expend less than $300,000 a year in Federal awards are exempt from Federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in Circular No. A-133.

Records:   Financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to the program shall be retained for a minimum of three years, or until completion and resolution of any audit in process or pending resolution. In all cases, records must be retained until resolution of any audit questions. Property records must be retained in accordance with PHS Grants Policy Statement requirements.


Account Identification:   75-0943-0-1-550.

Obligations:   State capacity projects: FY 01 $3,900,000; FY 02 est $5,300,000; and FY 03 est $5,300,000. Research Projects: FY 01 $3,640,000; FY 02 est $3,550,000; and FY 03 est $0. National Limb Loss Epidemiology Project: FY 01 $500,000; FY 02 est $500,000; and FY 03 est $0. National Limb Loss Information Center: FY 01 $1,400,000; FY 02 est $1,400,000; and FY 03 est $0. National Center on Physical Activity and Disability: FY 01 $750,000; FY 02 est $750,000, and FY 03 est $0. National Paralysis Resource Center: FY 01 $2,000,000; FY 02 est $2,000,000; and FY 03 est $0. The $0 indicated for FY 03 represents either that funding levels beyond the current fiscal year (FY 2002) are not yet established, or that some of these projects may be reannounced in FY 03 as new competitive awards.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance:  
National Centers on Disability: FY16/17 funding range is $1,500,000 to $4,500,000 State-based Disability and Health Programs: FY16/17 funding range is $150,000 to $450,000.

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In fiscal year 2001, CDC supported 14 State projects, 12 research grants, and 3 national information centers as noted below. For fiscal year 2002, CDC is now funding 16 States under new 3 to 5 year project periods. These 16 States and the 12 continuing research projects funded in fiscal year 2002 emphasize the prevention of secondary conditions and health promotion for persons with disabilities and assessing environmental barriers and facilitators to access community programs and services for people with disabilities. The national limb loss information center, the national center on physical activity and disability, and the national paralysis resource center are providing information and referral regarding these issues. The State projects are expanding program visibility and prominence by building their emphasis on disability and health. This is being accomplished through strategic plans addressing Healthy People 2010 objectives, advisory council and advocacy input, policy development, university and voluntary organization partnerships, data access and analysis, client preventive services and access to care, surveys for determining physical limitations among the population, professional and public education, and the inclusion of program evaluation measures. For fiscal year 2002, the Research grantees will fully implement their respective protocols and studies. In fiscal year 2002, the currently funded National Limb Loss Information Center, National Center on Physical Activity and Disability, and National Paralysis Resource Center will continue expansion of their outreach and response capacity to directly support and refer identified needs of persons, providers, and organizations inquiring about these issues of concern. It is expected that all Research grants and the noted information/resource centers will be subject to re-competition in fiscal year 2003 based on the availability of funds. The number of such awards will be dependent on that appropriation process.




Regional or Local Office:   Not applicable.

Headquarters Office:  
JoAnn Thierry, PhD 1600 Clifton Rd., MS-88 , Atlanta, Georgia 30333 Email: Phone: 404-498-6730

Web Site Address:


The majority of awards for State capacity projects in the past have been made to State health departments and universities with State collaboration to develop a statewide focus for the prevention of secondary disabilities and health promotion for persons with disabilities within a structured State office, to establish an advisory body to guide the development of planning and make recommendations to fill gaps in prevention, to establish and build partnerships with universities and advocacy/ voluntary organizations for public health surveillance and health promotion delivery programs for persons with disabilities. and to conduct surveillance and implement community projects in the targeted disability domains. Research grantees have accessed data and service programs to identify persons with disabilities, conducted surveillance, and implemented studies and interventions designed to prevent selected or a range of secondary conditions related to cost effectiveness, measurement of participation in the environment of persons with disabilities, women, minorities, and adolescents and older citizens with disabilities. Current Research grantees include universities and rehabilitation hospitals. The National Limb Loss Information Center has worked to build, expand, and utilize a national network for providing information, referral, and peer counseling programs for persons with limb loss. The Limb Loss Research and Epidemiology project includes both a disability service organization and a leading research university. The National Center on Physical Activity and Disability is based at a major research university with key collaborating partners in rehabilitation, education, web site development and linkages, library capacity, and physical accessibility. The new National Resource Center on Paralysis is also developing a comprehensive program to address a wide range of service and referral systems.


Given the recent competition for State awards in February 2002, it is expected that another competitive announcement will not be issued for State projects for at least 3 years unless additional funds become available in fiscal year 2003. New Research and Information Center projects will not be re-announced and awarded until fiscal year 2003. In these cases, applications are reviewed based on evaluation criteria explicit in the respective Program Announcements. Applications must address demonstrated program need, the magnitude of the problem, the management work plan, collaborative associations, and the approach toward setting and meeting overall project objectives and time frames. These future competitive applications would also be evaluated on the capacity of the applicant to demonstrate effective collaborations with other agencies and data sources critical to preventing secondary conditions, identifying and addressing health promotion needs for persons with disabilities, denoting the capability of the project to address minority and low-income populations in the prevention of secondary conditions, promoting accessibility to all program services for persons with disabilities, and offering sound proposals toward development of surveys and surveillance for useful data bases within outlined targeted disability activities.

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