Content provided by the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
81.089 Fossil Energy Research and Development FEDERAL AGENCY: OFFICE OF FOSSIL ENERGY, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AUTHORIZATION: Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, Public Law 93- 438; Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93-557; Energy Policy and Conservation Act, Public Law 94- 163; Department of Energy Organization Act of 1977, as amended, Public Law 95-91; Department of Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2001, Public Law 106-291.
The mission of the Fossil Energy (FE) Research and Development program is to promote the development and use of environmentally and economically superior technologies for supply, conversion, delivery and utilization of fossil fuels. These activities will involve cooperation with industry, DOE Laboratories, universities and States. Success in this mission will benefit the Nation through lower energy costs, reduced environmental impact, increased technology exports, and reduced dependence on insecure energy sources. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE:
USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Emphasis is on fundamental research and technology development. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: States, local governments, universities, governmental entities, consortia, nonprofit institutions, commercial corporations, joint Federal/Industry corporations, U.S. Territories, and individuals are eligible to apply.
Pre-application Coordination: Coordination with program staff is advisable for unsolicited proposals. The standard application forms as furnished by the Department of Energy (DOE) must be used. For construction projects an environmental impact statement/assessment is required per the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The standard application forms as furnished by the Federal agency and required by 10 CFR 600 must be used for this program. This program is excluded from coverage under E.O. 12372. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: Varies with each grant/cooperative agreement. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: Quarterly or monthly progress and expenditure reports are required. The final report is due at the end of the grant or cooperative agreement. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 89-0213-0-1-271.
In fiscal year 2001, 85 total awards are anticipated. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: (1) Federal Acquisition Regulation 15.5, Unsolicited Proposals (Federal Register/Volume 48, No. 182, Memo Sept. 19, 1983); (2) DOE Acquisition Regulation 915.5, Unsolicited Proposals (Federal Register/Volume 49, No. 61, Wednesday, March 28, 1984; (3) Guide for the Submission of Unsolicited Proposals, Department of Energy, Office of Procurement and Assistance Management (October 1991). INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: EXAMPLES OF FUNDED PROJECTS: Improved Oil Recovery from Upper Jurass IC Smackover; Sonication Remediation Methodology; Development and Testing of a Pre-Prototype Mach 2 Ramagen Engine; Kinetics of Direct Oxidation of H2S in Coal Gas to Elemental Sulfur. CRITERIA FOR SELECTING PROPOSALS: (1) Technical merit; (2) priority of technical work relating to proposal; (3) relevance to current program objectives; (4) cost-benefit judgment; and (5) amount of cost-sharing by potential awardee.
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Federal Money
Private Money
Low Cost Colleges