Content provided by the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
81.057 University Coal Research FEDERAL AGENCY: OFFICE OF FOSSIL ENERGY, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AUTHORIZATION: Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, Public Law 83-703; Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, Public Law 93-438; Research and Marketing Act of 1946, as amended, Public Law 85-934; Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93- 577; Department of Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations for 1980, Public Law 96-126; Department of Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2001, Public Law 106-291.
To improve scientific and technical understanding of the chemistry and physics involved in the conversion and utilization of coal. The primary objective is to fund long-term, high-risk, meritorious fundamental research for the advancement of science related to all Fossil Energy's coal-related programs. Through an annual solicitation, applications are sought with the potential to overcome barriers in technology development and accelerate the identification of solutions for energy and environmental problems. Solicited research should contemplate nearly total carbon closure by the year 2015 along with substantial increases in energy conversion efficiency for utilizing our nation's abundant coal resources. TYPES OF ASSISTANCE:
USES AND USE RESTRICTIONS: Work must be related to program objectives. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Applicant Eligibility: U.S. colleges and universities may apply.
Pre-application Coordination: This program is excluded from coverage under E.O. 12372. ASSISTANCE CONSIDERATIONS: Formula and Matching Requirements: Limited university/industrial collaboration is encouraged but not required in the core program. A minimum of 25% cost sharing is required in the University/Industry partnership application. Details are described in the solicitation. This program has no statutory formula. POST ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS: Reports: Reports are currently required on a semi-annual basis on progress and expenditures. FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Account Identification: 89-0213-0-1-271.
In fiscal year 2001, 64 applications were received and 18 awards were made. REGULATIONS, GUIDELINES, AND LITERATURE: A formal competitive solicitation for proposals for fiscal year 2001 was issued in December, 2000 for the fiscal year 2001 program. INFORMATION CONTACTS: Regional or Local Office: EXAMPLES OF FUNDED PROJECTS: Examples of projects funded in 2000 are: (1) Ceramic Membranes for Hydrogen Separation application; (2) Ceramic Membranes for Hydrogen Production from Coal; (3) Water-Gas Shift Hydrogen Separation Process; (4) Sulfur Reduction in Gasoline and Diesel Fuels by Extraction; (5) Novel Integrated Stack Approach for Realizing Mechanically Robust Solid Oxide Fuel Cells; (6) Improved Iron Catalysts for Slurry Phase Fisher-Tropsch Synthesis; and (7) Fundamental Investigation of Fuel Transformations in Advanced coal Combustion and Gasification Technologies. CRITERIA FOR SELECTING PROPOSALS: Emphasis is on the scientific and technical merit of the proposed research and the factors listed as generic goals in the formal solicitation for proposals.
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