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How to Apply for Federal Assistance
Writing a Winning Grant Proposal
Understanding the Federal Program Descriptions

Free Scholarships, Grants, Fellowships and Job Training from the Federal Government!
Get your share of $342 billion in government grants and scholarships! These federal dollars are handed out to students, teachers, parents, colleges, artists, musicians, and researchers every year!
Do you know you're probably paying
more for college than you need to?

When it comes to federal financial aid, most of us are familiar with the widely known Pell Grant program. However, there are hundreds of other college money programs available from the U.S. federal government that the financial aid offices don't always tell you about.
Another example is the AmeriCorps Program, (800) 942-2677. This is a national service that allows students of all ages and backgrounds to earn money for school by becoming a volunteer. You can serve before, during, or after college and use the funds to pay for college tuition or repay your student loans.

Every year our federal and state governments hand out over $342 billion (of tax-payer money) in the form of project grants, scholarships, loans, fellowships, internships, study and job training programs and even day care services for college students! � and yet 72% of the students that are eligible for these services don't even apply! Why? Because most don't even know they exist.

That's right! Whether you're a college student, an artist, musician, non-profit organization, an entrepreneur, physician, scientist, farmer, fisherman, or a U.S. Veteran, the United States Government has a grant, loan or assistance program for you!

Here's a small sample:


$74,000 to Restore and Preserve Library Books!

$40,000 Fellowships & $5,000 Summer Stipends to Support Research and Writing in the Humanities!

$212,000 to Pay for Salaries and Travel Expenses
while Conducting Humanities Research!


$6,650 to Study Mathematics, the Natural Sciences, or Engineering!

$12,000 per Year for Tuition, Books, Fees, and Room & Board!

$26,000 to Travel and Study Mathematics!

$18,000 to Study a Foreign Language!


$226,521 in Loans to Small Businesses!

Business Counseling and Training for Entrepreneurs!

$350,000 for Loans to Help Small Businesses Obtain Land and Buildings!


$50,000 to Support African Elephant Conservation Projects!

$530,826 to Aid the Conservation of Marine Mammals in State Waters!

$30,000 to Support Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Projects!

To access our complete database of federal programs, choose a program category from the blue menu strip on the left or the menu box below.

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Home | How to Apply for Federal Assistance | Writing a Winning Grant Proposal |
Understanding the Federal Program Descriptions